07947 245429 Mrs Jennifer Moore info@glasgowshoulderclinic.co.uk

Shoulder Procedures


Home / Procedures / Injections

Background information

The aim of injections around the shoulder are to reduce inflammation. Steroid (which is a powerful anti-inflammatory) is injected in combination with local anaesthetic directly to the site of inflammation. The length of response of the injection can vary from no response to lasting for many months.

Common sites for injection

Site of injection Indication
acromioclavicular joint arthritis
subacromial bursa impingement, calcific tendinitis
gleno-humeral joint arthritis, frozen shoulder

What to expect?

The local anaesthetic usually wears off after 4-6 hours and some simple painkillers maybe required at that stage.At about 24-48 hrs after the injection you may notice an increase in pain known as ‘a steroid flare’. This subsides after about 48-72 hours, painkillers and ice packs may be needed. If it persists beyond this please contact your GP.

What are the risks?

Generally these are very low risk with approximately 1 in 10,000 risk of infection. If you develop a hot red shoulder and temperature that persists greater than 48 hours please consult your doctor.

If you are diabetic then you need to monitor blood glucose levels closely as they can be raised after injection.

What can I do afterwards?

In the first 24 hours we would suggest rest with gentle movement. We would suggest pendular and active assist movements. In the first week it is important to avoid movements that are known to aggravate the shoulder and to avoid vigorous exercise.

If you are receiving physiotherapy then it is useful to be seen within a week after the injection. Usually a review with your surgeon will be organised for about 6 weeks after the injection.

Andrew Brooksbank

Treatment journey


Make a consultantion appointment wiith Mr Andrew Brooksbank at BMI Ross Hall Glasgow.



Frequently asked questions about appointments, treatment, recovery and insurance/payments.


The Glasgow Shoulder Clinic is a practice run by Andrew Brooksbank a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon based at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, where he specialises in shoulder surgery.


Copyright Glasgow Shoulder Clinic